Housatonic Amateur Radio Club
Stratford, Connecticut - United States of America


Oct 28-27 CQ DX SSB Contest

Nov 2-4 ARRL Sweepstakes CW Contest
Nov 4 Monthly Zoo(m) meeting 7:30 pm
Nov 9 Saturday Morning Ham Hob Nob JS8Call tutorial
Nov 9-10 10-10 Fall Digital QSO Party
Nov 16-18 ARRL Sweepstakes Phone
Nov 23-24 CQ DX CW Contest

Dec 2 Monthly Zoo(m) meeting 7:30 pm
Dec 6-8 ARRL 160 meter Contest
Dec 14-15 ARRL 10 meter Contest

Jan 6, 2025 Monthly Zoo(m) meeting 7:30 pm
Jan 25-26, 2025 - Winter Field Day

Don't get caught below the KT boundary, rise above with N1KT

President: David H. Schadlich, KB1LTW
Secretary Treasurer: Thomas W. Moyher, ESQ N1UNT
Technical Officer: Lawrence J. Reed, AB1JC
Youth Coordinator: Marilyn Rice, NU7T
Director1: Sam Fox IV, W1SMF
Director2: Dan Wright, N3DAW
Webmaster: David H. Schadlich, KB1LTW
Trustee: Gary T. Moyher, WE1M



The Housatonic Amateur Radio Club was formed in 1995 to foster the development of Amateur Radio and advanced Ham Radio operating techniques, both through theory and on the air practice. To provide a suitable environment of camaraderie and support within which members, spouses and their children can obtain a better understanding of amateur radio, gain a proficiency in the art of amateur radio, and to have some fun.

The Housatonic Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL affiliated club. We are active in 10-X International and are a member of SKCC. Details below in the QSL Info section.

We are W5YI and ARRL Certified Instructors and Volunteer Examiners. We teach and test. We are also active in contesting, high altitude Ballooning, Aerospace, STEM and mentoring students. We mentor students from two local Universities and a local High School.
We also include fun in everything we do.


"Direct Currents" is the official newsletter of the Housatonic ARC. It chronicles our club activities including contesting, awards, pictures and stories. Direct Currents is published monthly.

Our Newsletters have been moved to our Members Only web page. Click on the email link below to request a sample copy of our newsletter.


Here is a photo library of HARC members contesting and other HARC events during 2024.
These photo docs are in PDF format.


Housatonic Amateur Radio Club
Stratford, Connecticut USA

QSL Info

Grid FN-31, CQ Zone 5, ITU Zone 8, Fairfield County, 10-X 67120, SKCC# 3980

QSL POLICY: If you wish to QSL, please send a QSL card to WE1M or NE1CU via US Mail. We will also honor the bureau for DX. An SASE is preferred but is not necessary. Our QSL card will quickly be sent back to you by US mail (or bureau).
QSL N1KT via WE1M, NE1CU or Bureau & we will gladly send our QSL card in return.

eQSL: We do QSL via eQSL. We now maintain a higher level membership and our QSLs are Authentically Guaranteed for eQSL awards. We would prefer you send your QSL cards via US Mail or Bureau, but we do upload contacts to eQSL.

LoTW: We do QSL via LoTW. We would prefer you send your QSL cards via US Mail or Bureau, but we do upload contacts to LoTW.

To contact us by email: Click Here!

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